Aug. 2 1995.
Here is some information from some good type of space
people that are a lot like us.
Throughout this series of articles we have learned that Billy Meier has been in contact with Pleiadian extraterrestrials from the time he was 5 years old. Until now we have not heard much about where these extraterrestrials live, their lifestyle or their culture. This month we are going to closely examine these topics and many others.
The Peiades is a star cluster approximately 500 light years away from that is located in the Taurus constellation. One of the solar systems in e Pleiades is called "Tayget". Tayget has ten planets, of which four are inhabited by human beings. The Pleiadians, including Semjase, Ptaah and Quetzal, live on Erra, one of the four inhabited planets. The population of Erra is approximately 500 million and never exceeds this amount due to permanent birth control. This number is derived from a Creational law which states there should be no more than 12 people per square kilometer of fertile soil. This law holds true for Earth as well. The population of Earth should not exceed 529 million inhabitants; and yet, we currently have over 10 times that amount. The Pleiadians have stated frequently that Earth's overpopulation causes many of our current problems.
Erra has almost the same land area as Earth. With a population of merely 500 million, it is evident that sufficient space is available for all life forms to exist. Most people on Erra live in single family homes in rural areas. These homes are spherical or semi-spherical in shape with a minimum diameter of 68 feet. They are constructed from a resistant metal alloy or synthetic material that is extracted from the soil and is similar to silicone. Each house is built on its own plot of fertile land and can comfortably house a family of five.
Due to permanent birth control, each couple is only allowed a maximum of 3 chldren. In gardens outside their homes, all families grow their own fruit, vegetables and flowers. Each house has its own waer an energy provisions, and each family strives to be as self-sufficient as possible. Factories and industrial facilities are constructd undergrund in unattractive or uninhabitable regions and require no smokestacks. Protecting nature and the environment is an extremely high priority on Erra.
The Pleiadians eat according to the laws of Creation. Both vegetable and animal foods are eaten in a balanced, nutritious diet. The most important facet of their diet lies with the nutrition they receive from fruits and vegetables. However, the Pleiadins oppose a stricty vegetarian diet because of possible negative side effects. Likewise, an insufficient amount of fruits and vegetables or excessive amounts of animal products, may also produce negative side effects. The Pleiadians consume most of their "meat" without killing a single animal. Through their highly developed technical abilities, Pleiadians are capable of artificially "growing" their meat products through cell cultures, whereby meat is actually grown individually, piece by piece.
Pleiadians enjoy domesticated animals as much as we do, but they are housed and treated in an entirely different way from ours. Pets on Erra are never allowed to live with humans in the same building. The reason for this is that many diseases can be transmitted from domestic animals to humans. Cats and dogs, according to Pleiadians, are the principal carriers of numerous diseases, and danger of spreading them is very high; indeed, they are responsible for spreading 50% of all contagious diseases. For this reason, the Pleiadians keep their pets in specially designed preserves, outside and isolated from human livng quarters. Because of a false understandg in their "love for animals", people on Earth allow pets to live in the same house, and sometimes even permit them to sleep in the same bed as they do. This behavior can lead to many health problems. Of course, this does not mean tht we should eliminate pets altogether, but we must learn to take precautions when livng with them. Upon petting or touching a domestic animal, we simply must thoroughly wash our hands with soap and water.
JW I don't know how Yogi The Telepathic Dog is going to take all of this because he is definitely an indoor dog.
Part 1.
Source Of Information: INTERNATIONAL UFO LIBRARY, VOL. 3, NO. 3, May 25, 1995, 11684 Ventura Blvd. Suite 708, Studio City, CA 91604.
John Winston.